Are you a language person?

This page contains answers to frequently asked questions about the  SLAT certificate. Always consult with a SLAT advisor for the most definitive information.

1. Can I get a certificate in more than one language?

Yes! You will receive just one physical certificate for the SLAT, but if you complete the requirements for two languages, you will have completed two language tracks within the SLAT. This can be verified by an official letter from the SLAT Director if needed and by the coursework on your transcript.

We do not recommend pursuing the SLAT for more than two languages unless the additional coursework is not an extra burden to the student. Consult your SLAT advisor for more information.

2. I want to apply for a job that requests a TESOL Certificate. How does the ESL SLAT compare to a TESOL or TEFL Certificate?

The SLAT gives equal or better preparation compared to any TESOL, TEFL, or other certificate we are aware of. Visit the SLAT-TESOL comparison page for a full explanation; we encourage you to share this link with prospective employers, so that they will understand what a strong background your SLAT Certificate gives you compared to most other certificates.

The director of the SLAT program can also provide you with a letter stating your coursework and practicum hours that you can give to prospective employers.

3. How long will it take me to finish the SLAT?

The SLAT requires at least six courses and additional practicum credits which can be finished in as few as four consecutive terms. We recommend you start coursework in your 2nd or 3rd year. See the schedule map page for more information.

4. How does the practicum work?

  • For the English SLAT, we strongly recommend LT 437, a 4-credit course that provides supervision while co-teaching in an English language classroom. 
  • For other SLAT languages, students enroll in 2-4 credits of 406 (RL 406, EALL 406, etc.). In this case, the student is an intern for an experienced language teacher at UO or other school. The student observes and participates in the class as an assistant. LT 406 is also an alternative for the English SLAT.
  • Practicums are arranged with the SLAT advisor for the target language.
  • For more information, visit the practicum page.