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University of Oregon

Letter to Supervising Teacher

Dept. of [DEPT. NAME]


[STUDENT NAME] is working for an undergraduate certificate in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT) at the University of Oregon. One of the certificate requirements is 2 to 3 credits of a supervised tutoring or internship/practicum, [LING, JPN, RUSS or SPAN 409], which is taken on a pass/no pass basis. We understand that you have agreed to supervise this student during the [TERM OF INTERNSHIP]. We hope that the internship will provide valuable hands-on classroom experience to the student. This internship is one of the last courses taken before going out to teach. We expect the students participating in the internship to be highly motivated and eager to learn.

On the accompanying page you will find a description of the student’s responsibilities as your intern. In addition, we have listed the help we are asking you to provide. As part of your role as supervisor, we ask that you complete an evaluation of the intern’s performance. This form is included as the third page in this letter. Please turn the evaluation in to me (campus mail is fine) so that I may assign a grade for the course. You may first go over the evaluation with the student if you choose.

We are grateful for your assistance, and appreciate any feedback during or after the period of the internship. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or problems you might have.




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